Welcome To The New Muslim Workshop!

If you have been searching for a resource to help you with your questions about Islam then you have to come to the right place. This site is dedicated to New Muslims, People Interested in Islam and Muslims who would like to learn more about their faith.


Why Was I Created?

And I have not created Djinnkind and Mankind except to Worship Me (Quran 51:56)


Do I have to give up Jesus?

O Mary, Indeed Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him, of one whose name will be the Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter, and of those who are near to Allah (Quran 3:45)


Can A White Person Become Muslim?

O people, verily your Lord is One and your father is one. Verily there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a red man over a black man, or of a black man over a red man, except in terms of taqwa. Have I conveyed the message? Ahmad (22978)

Islam Frequently Asked Questions

Islam is only for Middle Eastern People

That is not true, the country with the largest number of Muslims is in fact Indonesia which accounts for 12.7% of the 2 point something Billion Muslims worldwide. The second most populous Muslim country is Pakistan, followed by India, Bangladesh and Nigeria. The Arab country with the highest number of Muslims is Egypt and it comes in at number 6 (also its in North Africa not the Middle East) so the answer is, No. Islam is a religion that anyone can join and is not specific to one region of the world.

Becoming Muslim Means I Have to Give Up Jesus

Also not true. Muslims believe in the Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) . Muslims believe that he is a mighty Messenger of Allah (God in Arabic) and that he was born miraculously without a father. We believe that he is the Messiah the son of Mary, anointed by Allah and sent with a mission. We do not believe that he is the Son of God or that he himself is God. Rather that he was sent to the Children of Israel with the Gospel (the Injeel) to bring them back to the straight path. Muslims believe in the second coming of Isa (Jesus) Peace Be Upon Him and the Miracles that he performed in the name of Allah.

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Can White People Become Muslim?

Yes, White people can and have become Muslim over the last 14 centuries. Islam is the fastest growing religion and people who follow this faith can be found in almost every country around the world. It is not uncommon to find Muslims in most if not all European countries. Islam is the only true Monotheistic religion and so the appeal of Islam to the majority of humanity stems with this aspect that follows the natural inclination of Muslims.

Why Do Muslim Men Force Muslim Women To Cover?

Good question, however, Muslim men can’t force Muslim women to do anything because in the Quran Allah says, “There is no compulsion in Religion” (Quran Chapter 2 verse 256) so you reaaaally can’t force anyone to do anything. Allah tells muslim men and women to cover themselves and be modest in what they wear (Quran 24:30-31). We can all agree that women are far more beautiful and appealing than men, and as most people wouldn’t go into a rough neighbourhood with expensive jewels and cash in a transparent plastic bag, you also don’t want to move through a rough neighbourhood in see through clothing.

Building Confident Everyday Muslims

Many new Muslims who have taken the phenomenally brave step of acknowledging that Islam is the truth and that what they and their families practiced previously was paganism or polytheism live in fear of persecution and vilification by both the societies that they have left and the new community that they have joined. The amount of new information that they have to absorb overwhelms them and instead of the experience being enlightening and fulfilling it becomes daunting and stressful.

Islam Encourages Questions, So Ask Them And Stop Wondering and Wandering.

People lose faith because their religions are not logical, they do not have proper continuity of logic, let alone proper continuity of textual information. The same book references a person and changes his age, references someone and describes them dying in two different ways. This isn’t a sci fi novel, we aren’t talking about the Multiverses bleeding into each other. Islam is a religion without contradictions and without logical fallacies.

The New Muslim Workshop was created with the purpose of educating those who are new to the religion of Islam and to prepare them to be part of their new extended family and the world as confident everyday Muslims.

Br. Mahmoud

A Servant of Allah

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Click Here If You Aren’t Muslim & Want a Free Quran

If you would like a Quran of Your Own to look through and read Click here for a list of places that will send you a free Quran!

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Vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis. Leo urna molestie at elementum pellentesque habitant tristique.

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